Dear citizens,
According to RA Commandant’s decision N 253 of August 18,2020, the activity of libraries is allowed starting from August 19, 2020. According toCommandant’s decision of August 18, the following rules were defined:
Service rules for library visitors.
1) It is forbidden to enter the library without a mask. During their stay in the libraryvisitors must wear a mask.
2) Before entering the library the visitors’ temperature is measured remotely with a remote thermometer, ensuring safety and hand disinfectionwith an alcohol-based disinfectant.
3) Visitors with symptoms of acute respiratory infections (fever, cough, flu,difficulty breathing) are not allowed to enter the library.
4) Simultaneous presence of more than 10 visitors in every 20 square meters is excluded.
5) New visits are allowed in only in case of not exceeding the allowed quantity of visitors.
6) Route with clear markings is defined for library visitors to avoidaccumulation and keep social distance ofat least 1.5 meters.
7) Minimize communication between employees and visitors;make any communication keepingsocial distance of at least 1.5 meters.
8) It is necessary to ensure the management of visitors' queues at the entrance and in waiting rooms with appropriate marks or online queuing systems.
9) The sitting of the visitors at the reading tables is carried out by securing the social distance of at least 1.5 meters between them.
10) Provide alcohol-based disinfectants at all the reading tables.
11) Books returned from each reader are separated andunavailable for at least 3 days.

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